I received the uber trendy P90X set for my last birthday but while I tried a few DVDs on the odd day weather prevented me from taking a run outsite, never really took it seriously. Every Christmas when my father starts planning our annual salmon fishing trip up around Alaska, I vow to spend the next six months working on increasing my upper body strength to help land the big ones. So I have popped in the chest and arms DVDs on occasion to try to get in shape. Now, with my 50th birthday facing me in the next couple of months, I thought now better than ever to get with the program.
I am a runner so am in general good shape, and inherited my mother's strong legs, but weak upper arms. Having said this some elements of P90X are harder than others and I am sure that everyone has their own body strengths and weaknesses. Each session is about an hour long, but every other day you are treated to another 16 minutes of ab training...joy!
I am surprised I survived the first day since there were alot of pushups which is definatly a weakness and I was pretty stiff the rest of the day. Tony does recommend a recovery drink and while I don't have the p90X drinks did heed the advice to help the muscles recover by digging into my supply of chocolate whey protein powder to mix up a well deserved post workout shake.
So week 1 is now done (6 days on, one day of rest) I am wondered what do to with my day off, go for a run...perhaps to the store to buy more extra strength Advil to help with the risidual muscles aches.
Here is a tip if you have lost your workout schedule or want to start again, a link to a site with free download..it is great to be given a second chance.