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September 25, 2011


Pamela Powered

My go to favorite butter substitute is appleasauce in my baking, since has lower calories and fat and with apple season here, I can make my own unsweetened version to use throughout the year.
Cost is also a factor since avocados are more expensive up here in Canada, but if they are sitting in the fridge waiting for a job, they are great for us.
So while I haven't done extensive experiments, many in warmer climes do regularily substitute avocados for butter, cream and eggs in their recipes. The downside is that the color may not fade, unless you are making that wonderful chocolate pudding, but the richness remains and the lovely added health benefits of the avocado in healthy fats.
I actually found my banana bread much moister than when I use applesauce as the only shortening.

Pamela Powered

Eva@ kitcheninspirations.wordpress.com/

Does the avocado add the richness that butter would have added? Sounds like a great recipe, Pam.

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